A Guide to Decoding Softgel Sizes

When you’re thinking about taking supplements, it may be a good idea to start with softgel capsules. As a popular […]

When you're thinking about taking supplements, it may be a good idea to start with softgel capsules. As a popular option for numerous consumers, softgel capsules come in all kinds of types. Each type has different shapes and sizes. From classic small ovals to unique big tubes, having various options means you can pick the one that suits you best.


In this blog post, we're going to look at the different shapes and sizes of softgels out there. We also will talk about how a softgel capsule enters your body. By the end of the post, you can figure out the right softgel size and shape for your supplement routine.

Common Softgel Capsule Shapes

Softgels are available in many different shapes. While manufacturers can really let their imaginations run wild, there are some shapes that you'll see more often than others.


round softgel

Round softgels look like little balls, with the medicine tucked away in the middle. They're great for smaller doses. A round softgel capsule can also get bigger depending on specific needs. However, it will be hard to swallow if you need to take multiple pieces at a time.


oval softgel

Oval softgel capsules are pretty standard. Think of an oval softgel like a round one that's been slightly squished. This shape lets it hold more ingredients without being too bulky to swallow.


oblong softgel

Despite what the name suggests, oblong capsules aren't really rectangular. They're more like little cylinders with rounded ends. They're handy because they can hold more medicine without being a pain to swallow.

Fish (Twist-Off)

twist off softgel

This softgel looks like a small fish. It has a neat twist-off feature. There's a tab at one end that you can grab and twist to open the capsule easily. Manufacturers make a weaker spot in the 'tail' of the fish to make it easy to get the medicine out.


tube softgel

These softgels come in a tube shape with one protruding end. They are made bigger and meant for those higher doses of medicine.


suppository softgel

Suppository softgels are designed to deliver medication by inserting them into the body. This means they're not consumed by an oral route. These softgel capsules are shaped like bullets or teardrops. The unique shape makes it easier for them to slip into the body and makes it comfier for patients.

Describing Softgel Sizes

When selecting softgels, you should also take their sizes into account, not just different shapes. In fact, each softgel shape mentioned above offers diverse sizing options. So, how do you describe the size of a softgel capsule? There are two terms you need to keep in mind - cc and minims.

cc (Cubic Centimeters):

  • cc is a unit commonly used to measure the capacity of liquids or semi-solids inside a softgel capsule.
  • 1 cc is equivalent to 1 mL (milliliter).


  • Minims is another unit of volume for liquid encased in a softgel capsule.
  • 1 minim is equal to about 0.0616 cc or 0.0616 mL.

Why does the use of these volume units matter?

Dosage Determination: The capsule's volume tells us how much medicine it can hold so we can give the right dose.

Formulation Development: Knowing the volume helps manufacturers figure out the best mix of ingredients.

Quality Control: Measuring volume ensures each capsule is made the same way every time.

Regulatory Compliance: The volume of softgels is often required to be listed on the product label by regulatory bodies.

Softgel Size Chart

Round Softgels

Round Softgels Sizes
Softgel SizeCCMinims
1 Round0.046 - 0.0620.75 - 1.00
2 Round0.074 - 0.1241.2 - 2.0
3 Round0.136 - 0.1852.2 - 3.0
4 Round0.172 - 0.2462.8 - 4.0
5 Round0.197 - 0.3083.2 - 5.0
6 Round0.283 - 0.3704.6 - 6.0
7 Round0.308 - 0.4315.0 - 7.0
9 Round0.431 - 0.5547.0 - 9.0
15 Round0.740 - 0.92512.0 - 15.0
20 Round0.925 - 1.23215.0 - 20.0
28 Round1.355 - 1.84822.0 - 30.0
40 Round1.971 - 2.52632.0 - 41.0
90 Round4.312 - 4.92870.0 - 80.0

Oval Softgels

Oval Softgel Size
Softgel SizeCCMinims
2 Oval0.092 - 0.1421.5 - 2.3
3 Oval0.148 - 0.1852.4 - 3.0
4 Oval0.191 - 0.2463.1 - 4.0
5 Oval0.265 - 0.3084.3 - 5.0
6 Oval0.320 - 0.3705.2 - 6.0
7 Oval0.382 - 0.4626.2 - 7.5
10 Oval0.462 - 0.6167.5 - 10.0
20 Oval1.047 - 1.23217.0 - 20.0
30 Oval1.294 - 1.84821.0 - 30.0
40 Oval1.848 - 2.46430.0 - 40.0
60 Oval2.526 - 3.69641.0 - 60.0
65 Oval3.080 - 4.03050.0 - 65.0

Oblong Softgels

oblong softgel
Softgel SizeCCMinims
3 Oblong0.142 - 0.1852.3 - 3.0
4 Oblong0.185 - 0.2463.0 - 4.0
5 Oblong0.246 - 0.3084.0 - 5.0
6 Oblong0.308 - 0.3705.0 - 6.0
8 Oblong0.400 - 0.4936.5 - 8.0
9.5 Oblong0.462 - 0.5857.5 - 9.5
11 Oblong0.647 - 0.75210.5 - 12.2
14 Oblong0.770 - 0.86212.5 - 14.0
16 Oblong0.862 - 0.98614.0 - 16.0
20 Oblong0.986 - 1.23216.0 - 20.0
22 Oblong1.109 - 1.35518.0 - 22.0
24 Oblong1.232 - 1.47820.0 - 24.0

Tube-Shaped Softgels

Tube Shaped Softgel Size
Softgel SizeCCMinims
5 Tube0.154 - 0.3082.5 - 5.0
6 Tube0.308 - 0.3705.0 - 6.0
8 Tube0.370 - 0.4936.0 - 8.0
17.5 Tube0.924 - 1.04715.0 - 17.0
30 Tube1.663 - 1.97127.0 - 32.0
45 Tube2.464 - 2.77240.0 - 45.0
55 Tube2.464 - 3.38840.0 - 55.0
120 Tube5.544 - 7.39290.0 - 120.0

Twist-Off (Fish-Shaped) Softgels

Twist-Off Softgel Size
Softgel SizeCCMinims
5 Fish0.154 - 0.3082.5 - 5.0
7.5 Fish0.308 - 0.4625.0 - 7.5
15 Fish0.740 - 0.92512.0 - 15.0

Suppository Softgels

suppository softgel sizes
Softgel SizeCCMinims
6 Suppository0.308 - 0.3705.0 - 6.0
10 Suppository0.430 - 0.6207.0 - 10.0
40 Suppository1.850 - 2.46030.0 - 40.0
80 Suppository3.819 - 4.92862.0 - 80.0

How to Take Softgels

Based on different softgel sizes and shapes, these medicines can be delivered in different ways. Here are some common methods of how softgel capsules enter your body.

How to Take Softgels

1. Swallowing whole

This is the most common way to take a softgel. Many softgels are made to break down easily in your stomach. They're designed to be easy to swallow. You can swallow them whole with water or other liquids.

2. Twisting off

Fish-shaped softgels are designed for twisting open. You can twist off a tab at one end of a fish-shaped softgel to access the ingredients inside. You can then pour the contents into your mouth without needing to swallow the softgel. Additionally, the contents of some twist-off softgels can be mixed into foods or drinks for consumption.

3. Puncturing

Unlike twist-off softgels that come with a removable tab, some softgel capsules require to be punctured to release the contents inside. You can use a needle to pierce the capsule and squeeze out the contents into your mouth or mix them with foods or liquids.

4. Chewing

Some softgels are meant to be chewed, like candy or food. They're usually flavored and release the active ingredient in your mouth before you swallow.

5. Sucking

Some softgel capsules are made to be sucked on. You can suck the contents out for consumption. Their active ingredients are directly released into your mouth. These softgels can also be flavored.

6. Suppository delivery

Although most softgels are for oral use, the materials can also be used for suppositories. These softgels are meltable. They are inserted into the rectum or vagina for medication delivery. If your healthcare provider recommends using a suppository softgel, you must follow the product label or medical supervision.

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